Tej Kohli

Some Creative Ideas from My Thought Engine - Tej Kohli

Tej Kohli's Daily Inspiration

July 2 2008, 5:14 AM

Never Alone

As I sit and ponder

A million miles I may wonder

Yet here I sit

All by myself

I think of who's where

Does anyone really care

No one to talk to

As I sit in solitude

For endless miles

Searching for smiles

From another person

Who sits alone

So, here we are

Looking at each other from afar

You on your way

Me on mine

Waving to each other

For we are never alone...

Tej Kohli now on Yahoo Answers

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Words of Inspiration - Tej Kohli

May 22 2008, 1:34 AM

Tej Kohli blog is an emormous spring of inspiration that has showed many, the way of life...


Life is an ebb and flow of constant changes.
Starting from the existence of a tiny seed
Blooming with hopeful life,
To the springing forth of a being so full of
future promise.
Who continually changes throughout the ever flowing paths of life's ups and downs!
Changing constantly in form and status
While experiencing aweakenings, frustrations, sadnesses, and a gamut of feelings,
Related to disappointments, untimely occurrences, unwanted occirences,and exciting
Often rarely prepared for the changes to come.
Dealing with the making of new adjustments,
While letting go of the familiarity and comfort of the past.
Knowing that what was so secure yesterday was just a fleeting moment in time.
As we go through life continuing to make adjustments related to life's happenings,
Seeking to find that inner peace and happiness,
trying to adjust to each step of life's
neverending changes!

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Don’t ignore small things

May 5 2008, 5:09 AM

Many person are in that believes that If we get big opportunity or even we had reached some higher point then we had to leave all tiny things and we have to concentrate on higher things . But its not true always because small things having their own usefulness and their own existence for this famous middle era Hindi poet had wrote that “ Don’t leave small if you get big , Because if you have a big sword its be good but you cannot use it ,what you do with needle (Stitching ) “ . such that there are many incident came in your life where you will get higher designation and you have much of power and responsibility at that point its be good for your life but also you should not forget about your past work and past coworker because they also give higher inspiration and suggestion even while you have to go to uneven path.
   Recently , I had came across a student who now in high school , he gossip with his friends that teacher who taught us in our primary class was very foolish and thick minded and now we are more intelligent and knowledgeable person . While I had meet that student that if those teacher was not teach us “ how to write and spell right “ then he still not be able to read higher books as well as did not gain his knowledge . I told him that “they give roll model by following that he now be able to achieve his life aim “. After knowing truth he was convinced and now he praises his primary school teacher.
   While we are moving to the big companies sometimes we have noticed that company give more attention to the higher post personals , in such scenario the person who are labor or even who had small post ignored by company higher management . In such cases some type of rivalry can came up that be hazardous for any company progress. Because every person even a person have no big post doing our task very sincerely and playing significant role . So every employee have a own significance for smooth running the business .

     The conclusion of the story that GOD created every thing in nature because of its usefulness even in society every person play significant role , So we have to help each other and keep that point in mind everything is similar .

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Tej Kohli - Self Help is the best Help!

February 25 2008, 6:05 AM

One morning a sixteen-year old boy was kidnapped from his house by a band of knifewielding thugs and taken to another country, there to be sold as a slave. The year was 401 AD.

He was made a shepherd. Slaves were not allowed to wear clothes, so he was often dangerously cold and frequently on the verge of starvation. He spent months at a time without seeing another human being -- a severe psychological torture. But this greatest of difficulties was transformed into the greatest of blessings because it gave him an opportunity not many get in a lifetime.

Long lengths of solitude have been used by people all through history to meditate, to learn, to control the mind and to explore the depths of feeling and thought to a degree impossible in the hubbub of normal life.

He wasn't looking for such an "opportunity," but he got it anyway. He had never been a religious person, but to hold himself together and take his mind off the pain, he began to pray, so much that "...in one day," he wrote later, "I would say as many as a hundred prayers and after dark nearly as many again...I would wake and pray before daybreak -- through snow, frost, and rain...." The young slave prayed.

He didn't have much else available to do, so he did what he could with all his might. And after six years of praying, he heard a voice in his sleep say that his prayers would be answered: He was going home. He sat bolt upright and the voice said,"Look, your ship is ready." He was a long way from the ocean, but he started walking. After two hundred miles, he came to the ocean and there was a ship, preparing to leave for Britain, his homeland. Somehow he got aboard the ship and went home to reunite with his family.

But he had changed. The sixteen-year-old boy had become a holy man. He had visions. He heard the voices of the people from the island he had left -- Ireland -- calling him back. The voices were persistent, and he eventually left his family to become ordained as a priest and a bishop with the intention of returning to Ireland and converting the Irish to Christianity.

At the time, the Irish were fierce, illiterate, Iron-Age people. For over eleven hundred years, the Roman Empire domineered over others by spreading its civilizing influence from Africa to Britain, but Rome never conquered Ireland. The people of Ireland warred constantly. They made human sacrifices of prisoners of war and sacrificed newborns to the gods of the harvest. They hung the skulls of their enemies on their belts as ornaments.

Our slave-boy-turned-bishop decided to make these people literate and peaceful. Braving dangers and obstacles of tremendous magnitude, he actually succeeded! By the end of his life, Ireland was Christian. Slavery had ceased entirely. Wars were much less frequent, and literacy was spreading. How did he do it? He began by teaching people to read -- starting with the Bible.

Students eventually became teachers and went to other parts of the island to create
new places of learning. So ask yourself and keep asking, "Given my upbringing
and circumstances, what Good am I especially qualified to do?" and wherever they went, they brought the knowhow to turn sheepskin into paper and paper into books. Copying books became the major religious activity of that country.

The Irish had a longstanding love of words, and it expressed itself to the full when they became literate. Monks spent their lives copying books: the Bible, the lives of saints, and the works accumulated by the Roman culture - Latin, Greek, and Hebrew books, grammars,the works of Plato, Aristotle, Virgil, Homer, Greek philosophy, math, geometry, In fact, because so many books were being copied, they were saved, because as Ireland was being civilized, the Roman Empire was falling apart.  Libraries disappeared in Europe. Books were no longer copied (except in the city of Rome itself), and children were no longer taught to read. The civilization that had been built up over eleven centuries disintegrated. This was the beginning of the Dark Ages.

Because our slave-boyturned-bishop transformed his suffering into a mission, civilization itself, in the form of literature and the accumulated knowledge contained in that literature, was saved and not lost during that time of darkness. He was named a saint, the famous Saint Patrick. You can read the full and fascinating story if you like in the excellent book, How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill.

"Very interesting," you might say, "but what does that have to do with me?" Well...you are also in some circumstances or other, and it's not all peaches and cream, is it? There's some stuff you don't like -- maybe something about your circumstances, perhaps, or maybe some events that occurred in your childhood. But here you are, with that past, with these circumstances, with the things you consider less than ideal. What are you going to do with them? If those circumstances have made you uniquely qualified for some contribution, what would it be?

You may not know the answer to that question right now, but keep in mind that the circumstances you think only spell misery may contain the seeds of something profoundly Good. Assume that's true, and the assumption will begin to gather evidence until your misery is transformed, as Saint Patrick's suffering was, from a raw deal to the perfect preparation for something better.

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