Tej Kohli

Some Creative Ideas from My Thought Engine - Tej Kohli

The Power of Visualization - Tej Kohli

May 27 2008, 5:52 AM

Visualization is a very effective manifesting tool. Tej Kohli found this interesting article on web.

When you wish to manifest, visualization is a powerful tool at your disposal. Athletes have known about visualization for years. Many athletes have used visualization to see themselves scoring the winning touchdown or winning that big game or even getting that Olympic medal. Visualization has been used for years.

The best thing about visualization is that it is fun! Once you start using visualization, you really can have a lot of fun envisioning what you desire. It can help you manifest what you want much quicker than simply setting your intention. It is said that using visualization is about three times more effective than just setting an intention for something you wish to manifest.

So if you haven't visualized, you may be wondering how do it. It is pretty easy. Take any issue or desire that you have and "see" with your mind's eye what you would like. It is suggested to focus on what really gets your attention about what you want; this will make creating your visualization easy. So if you want to manifest a car, focus on what it feels like to be behind the wheel of your new car. See yourself getting into your new car. See your new license plate. See yourself giving your friends and family rides in your new car. Or see yourself parking the car in your driveway. Focus on what feels the most fun and exciting to you. What catches your attention and emotions will make your visualizations the most powerful. Every person is different, so what might appeal to one person might not work for another. Your visualization needs to be personalized just for you.

Try doing your visualization several times a day. A visualization typically takes less than five minutes. Once you have a scene you can keep in your mind, it is easy to run it over and over. You just want to focus on getting yourself excited and into a positive mood. The more emotional and "into" your visualization you can get, the more effective it can be. So if you can only do two very focused visualizations a day, that is more effective than five not-so-focused visualizations during the day.

If you are having trouble with your visualizations, try asking yourself if this is what you really want. Sometimes when we start to picture something in our mind's eye, we discover that we want something else. Or we discover that our belief system needs some changing in order to help support our visualization. Your belief system needs to be positive and accepting of what you want to visualize, otherwise you will not be able to manifest it.

So, close your eyes and open your mind to start visualizing :)


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Food For Thought by Tej Kohli

May 16 2008, 6:19 AM

Tej Kohli found an inspirational article by Beth Mccain on Law of attraction food for thought.

Here are a few thoughts you may want to keep in mind when you are applying the Law of Attraction; some LOA food for thought:

When you know where you are going, you are completely free of any concerns about where anyone else is going.

Don't hope for a miracle, expect a miracle. Miracles manifest everyday for every one...not just a chosen few.

You are who you are because of your thoughts and feelings. If you're not happy with your life and yourself, you are the only person who can change your world.

Why is it that we need the approval of others who don't even approve of themselves?

Anytime you are having negative thoughts or emotions, you are focusing on what you don't want.

Others want you to be who they want you to be in order to please them and their world. Be yourself and please yourself in your world.

When you fear a situation, do the opposite of what you normally would do in the circumstance.

Make sure that before you turn to another person for help, take inventory and honestly see if he has ever really helped himself. Look for his experiences, not at his words.

The moment you realize that everything is really okay, no matter what the circumstances, everything really is okay.

When you are in a worrisome position in your life, you are not alone. The Universe is waiting there hearing every word you say. Just ask the Universe for a calm ending to your concern that will benefit you and whoever else is involved  a calm wonderful ending  no matter what the concern is.

When you are heading to the mountain top, why does it even matter what the people in the valley are doing?

The Universe is always there...you are never alone.

When you begin to understand that no one really knows who they are, you will stop looking at them to tell you who you are.

Give thanks to everything you are, everything you were, and everything you are going to be.

We were born with the Law of Attraction within our very being. You are here because of the Law of Attraction. You wanted to create and that is why you are here. If we create intentionally through the Law of Attraction, we will have all that we focus on and desire. Focus on what you want and the Universe will bring it straight to you. What a wonderful Universe.

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Knowing the Human Mind - Tej Kohli

May 12 2008, 6:51 AM

Tej Kohli reveals some interesting facts that every human mind must be aware of...

Do you ever wonder why humans, in view of our intelligence, can be extraordinary, and at the same time, confused, self-serving and destructive? Is something happening within our heads that we're not aware of? The answer to these questions may be as close as a mental hiccup that we all experience. Have you ever thought of doing something dumb, knew it was dumb and did it anyway, and after you did it, your self-talk, the chatter in your head told you how dumb you were for doing it?
This, "I know I should not do it, but I'll do it anyway," response suggests we are being pulled in two different directions at the same time. There was also a famous couple whose lives were affected by this same dilemma, Adam and Eve. The point is, we have been reminded throughout history that we have a split psyche. One side is the tree of life, and the other is the tree of good and evil, one is positive and the other negative. One is the true self, and the other is the false self, one is the yin, and the other the yang. One moves you forward and the other holds you back, which prompts the question, where does this mental duality come from and why is it there?
Man’s creativity is one of his greatest assets i.e. we can visualize what is not there even while we sleep. Our night-time dreams provide an important clue, for they demonstrate that our brains have the ability to produce all sorts of chaotic images, without our permission or participation. The fact that our brains enjoy a level of autonomy and does much of its work in the subconscious, suggests this is the place where our brains have secretly created the egocentric image of who it thinks its owner is. The brain then assigns our self-talk, the chatter in our head to be the gatekeeper. This illusion that deprives us of mental freedom has been given many names -- the devil, the ego, the saboteur and the false and lower self.
If you could dissect your psyche you would notice that your true self is an energy that is creative, whole and resourceful, unlike the false self that your brain created, which offers attitudes that are confused, self-serving and destructive.
Knowing there is an order to life enables the user to be aware of the "self" they're living through.
The True Self:
1 )Is aware of its thoughts and what they will create if harbored or acted upon
2) Lives in the present moment, not in the future or the past
3) Makes conscious choices, so not to be a victim
4) Knows that peace is the highest state of consciousness
The False Self reveals its nature when we are:
1) Judging
2) Listening to the chatter in our head
3) Buying into the chatters evidence e.g. the situation or what he or she said or did
4) Reacting in a negative fashion
The next time you feel fearful, stressed or incomplete question these notions and where they are coming from and why you would listen to the chatter in your head that has only one purpose, to steal your every moment.

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  • 29 years old


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