Tej Kohli

Some Creative Ideas from My Thought Engine - Tej Kohli

LOL with Tej Kohli

July 14 2008, 7:28 AM

Imagine if the Government stops funding space explorations?

Tej Kohli Blog unfolds the future of space exploration!!!




























space shuttle


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Tej Kohli's Daily Inspiration

July 2 2008, 5:14 AM

Never Alone

As I sit and ponder

A million miles I may wonder

Yet here I sit

All by myself

I think of who's where

Does anyone really care

No one to talk to

As I sit in solitude

For endless miles

Searching for smiles

From another person

Who sits alone

So, here we are

Looking at each other from afar

You on your way

Me on mine

Waving to each other

For we are never alone...

Tej Kohli now on Yahoo Answers

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Learn Making Friends - Tej Kohli

June 19 2008, 3:04 AM

Tej Kohli talks about friends, aging and relationships...

Friends are so important, especially as we age. Our good friends are like chosen family. They often treat us better than some of our family members. There are many kinds of friendships as well as many reasons why we select certain people to be our friend. Sometimes it is as simple as living close to each other. Sometimes it is about having a common interest or need. Sometimes we just like each other and have absolutely nothing in common.

We meet these friends at a variety of places. When we have young children it is really easy to find friends. Our kids almost bring them home to us. As we get older and perhaps no longer working or doing a lot of volunteer work, it becomes far more difficult to meet and make these friends.

Aging also brings on other issues. Sometimes people are bombarded with financial and medical problems that keep them from being social. Some people seem to be happy to keep the friends they have and not make new ones. When you are older and want to make some new friends you have to put yourself and sometimes get out of your comfort zone. You have to be the inviter often and gently push your way in to a group that is already settled.

When moving to a new place and looking to make some new acquaintances and connections there are things you can do. It does take some work and effort. Do this:

1. Join a church

2. Check for activity centers

3. Join a gym

4. Join the chamber of commerce

5. Go on line to find the activities available in your area

6. Find clubs or groups that share your interests

7. Volunteer

8. Be friendly and interested in others

Very often people are caught up in their own lives and activities, so you have to have a lot of patience. The most difficult thing is to find friends who you personally can connect with. Very often they just come out of the blue.

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Finding the meaning of Dreams

June 3 2008, 6:52 AM

There are too many recorded incidents to dismiss dreams as mere "vestiges of the day" that get projected on the silver screen of the mind at night.

Our own experience also points out the fact that, at times, dreams do try to tell us something vital or important, but we are unable to comprehend them.

Let us see some common dreams that most of us have dreamt at some point in our lives:

Exam dreams: These dreams run something like this: We are unable to reach the examination hall and the clock is ticking away; our pen just refuses to work; we just don't seem to comprehend the question paper or recall the answers...the variations are endless.

Fortunately, such dreams are not related to examinations at all. They suggest that we are being tested or scrutinised in some way in our lives. These may also be related to our self-esteem and confidence or the lack of it.

Chase dreams: Who has not broken into a cold sweat running scared from an assailant or a murderous mob in dreams? Even if we ran fast, the pursuer always seemed to catch up.

At the exact moment of getting caught, we woke up with a start! Although these dreams can arise from an actual fear of being attacked, they often stem from our feelings of anxiety in waking life. These dreams indicate running away from a difficult situation, rather than confronting it.

Naked dreams: Turning crimson with embarrassment on finding ourselves completely or partially naked in public in our dreams generally leaves us unsettled on waking up. Such dreams are often a reflection of our lack of confidence or self-esteem in real life.

We may be hiding something and are afraid that others might discover it by seeing right through us. Nudity also symbolises our fear of getting caught or exposed in something that we have done. This dream can have variations, which can range from embarrassment to feeling proud about your nakedness in public. Each, of course, has different interpretation.

Falling dreams: Almost all of us get scared out of our wits while plunging down from dizzying heights in our dreams. No amount of convincing can rid us of the fear that we will not actually die if we do not wake up before we hit the ground! 0

Falling can be of two types - one when we wake up alarmed before we hit the ground, the other when we land slowly just before the point of impact. Both have different interpretations. Generally, falling is an indication of insecurity, instability and anxiety Such dreams occur when we feel overwhelmed and out of control.

Dreams of losing teeth: Dreams of falling teeth are quite common. These may take the form of teeth crumbling in our hands or falling out one by one with just a light tap. It was thought that such dreams represented malnutrition, which may have been true for some dreamers. Actually, such dreams reflect our anxiety about appearance and how others perceive us.

All dream imagery is symbolic. Each dream symbol is person specific. In other words, what a symbol represents for one person can have an entirely different meaning for another. This is the reason why dream dictionaries generally prove useless. Of course, a common streak runs through all symbols, but they have to be interpreted in the context of the dream content.

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The Power of Visualization - Tej Kohli

May 27 2008, 5:52 AM

Visualization is a very effective manifesting tool. Tej Kohli found this interesting article on web.

When you wish to manifest, visualization is a powerful tool at your disposal. Athletes have known about visualization for years. Many athletes have used visualization to see themselves scoring the winning touchdown or winning that big game or even getting that Olympic medal. Visualization has been used for years.

The best thing about visualization is that it is fun! Once you start using visualization, you really can have a lot of fun envisioning what you desire. It can help you manifest what you want much quicker than simply setting your intention. It is said that using visualization is about three times more effective than just setting an intention for something you wish to manifest.

So if you haven't visualized, you may be wondering how do it. It is pretty easy. Take any issue or desire that you have and "see" with your mind's eye what you would like. It is suggested to focus on what really gets your attention about what you want; this will make creating your visualization easy. So if you want to manifest a car, focus on what it feels like to be behind the wheel of your new car. See yourself getting into your new car. See your new license plate. See yourself giving your friends and family rides in your new car. Or see yourself parking the car in your driveway. Focus on what feels the most fun and exciting to you. What catches your attention and emotions will make your visualizations the most powerful. Every person is different, so what might appeal to one person might not work for another. Your visualization needs to be personalized just for you.

Try doing your visualization several times a day. A visualization typically takes less than five minutes. Once you have a scene you can keep in your mind, it is easy to run it over and over. You just want to focus on getting yourself excited and into a positive mood. The more emotional and "into" your visualization you can get, the more effective it can be. So if you can only do two very focused visualizations a day, that is more effective than five not-so-focused visualizations during the day.

If you are having trouble with your visualizations, try asking yourself if this is what you really want. Sometimes when we start to picture something in our mind's eye, we discover that we want something else. Or we discover that our belief system needs some changing in order to help support our visualization. Your belief system needs to be positive and accepting of what you want to visualize, otherwise you will not be able to manifest it.

So, close your eyes and open your mind to start visualizing :)


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  • 29 years old


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Last update Jul 14, 2008