Knowing the Human Mind - Tej Kohli (go back »)

May 12 2008, 6:51 AM

Tej Kohli reveals some interesting facts that every human mind must be aware of...

Do you ever wonder why humans, in view of our intelligence, can be extraordinary, and at the same time, confused, self-serving and destructive? Is something happening within our heads that we're not aware of? The answer to these questions may be as close as a mental hiccup that we all experience. Have you ever thought of doing something dumb, knew it was dumb and did it anyway, and after you did it, your self-talk, the chatter in your head told you how dumb you were for doing it?
This, "I know I should not do it, but I'll do it anyway," response suggests we are being pulled in two different directions at the same time. There was also a famous couple whose lives were affected by this same dilemma, Adam and Eve. The point is, we have been reminded throughout history that we have a split psyche. One side is the tree of life, and the other is the tree of good and evil, one is positive and the other negative. One is the true self, and the other is the false self, one is the yin, and the other the yang. One moves you forward and the other holds you back, which prompts the question, where does this mental duality come from and why is it there?
Man’s creativity is one of his greatest assets i.e. we can visualize what is not there even while we sleep. Our night-time dreams provide an important clue, for they demonstrate that our brains have the ability to produce all sorts of chaotic images, without our permission or participation. The fact that our brains enjoy a level of autonomy and does much of its work in the subconscious, suggests this is the place where our brains have secretly created the egocentric image of who it thinks its owner is. The brain then assigns our self-talk, the chatter in our head to be the gatekeeper. This illusion that deprives us of mental freedom has been given many names -- the devil, the ego, the saboteur and the false and lower self.
If you could dissect your psyche you would notice that your true self is an energy that is creative, whole and resourceful, unlike the false self that your brain created, which offers attitudes that are confused, self-serving and destructive.
Knowing there is an order to life enables the user to be aware of the "self" they're living through.
The True Self:
1 )Is aware of its thoughts and what they will create if harbored or acted upon
2) Lives in the present moment, not in the future or the past
3) Makes conscious choices, so not to be a victim
4) Knows that peace is the highest state of consciousness
The False Self reveals its nature when we are:
1) Judging
2) Listening to the chatter in our head
3) Buying into the chatters evidence e.g. the situation or what he or she said or did
4) Reacting in a negative fashion
The next time you feel fearful, stressed or incomplete question these notions and where they are coming from and why you would listen to the chatter in your head that has only one purpose, to steal your every moment.

Tej Kohli Cliki | Tej Kohli Zoominfo

In Self-Improvement


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